Since 2014, our comprehensive database of US elected officials by race and gender has yielded unparalleled insights into key demographic trends like the rise of women and people of color in office, and the persistence of white male minority rule in state legislatures and the criminal justice system.
In the last general election, 52% of Georgia’s state legislature contests were won by candidates who ran unopposed.
Millions of Georgia voters had no choice.

The Nevada state legislature is 63% women.

Across the country, white men are 30% of the population.
Since 2014, their share of state legislature seats dropped from 65% to 56%

In South Carolina, white men are 31% of the population, but 81% of elected prosecutors.

In Ohio, where 24% of the population are people of color, 98% of elected county officials are white.

The US population is 40% people of color, yet in 15 state legislatures, white people hold 90% or more of seats.

White men are 30% of the population, but 67% of the US Senate.

In 2022, more than 30% of state legislators across the country ran unopposed.
Millions of American voters had no choice.

What do California & Texas have in common?
In each state, people of color are the majority. And in each state, 82% of elected sheriffs are white.

What do Louisiana & New York have in common?
In both, white men are less than 1/3rd of the population, but more than 2/3rds of state and federal elected officials.

In 15 state legislatures, women hold 40% or more of seats.

In Mississippi, white men are 28% of the population but 57% of state legislators.

Nationwide, 98% of elected Sheriffs are men.
In North Dakota, people of color are over 15% of the population but 2% of state legislators.

In eighteen state legislatures, men hold over 70% of seats. In six of these states, they are 80% or more of state legislators.

1,857 state legislators across the country ran unopposed in the last general election.
Millions of American voters had no choice.

In West Virginia, 87% of state legislators are men.

Nationwide, 93% of elected prosecutors are white.
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Our reports and infographics explore the demographic trends behind the tug-of-war over democracy that defines American politics today. Check out everything we’ve learned, and stay up to date with us on X.
Go Deeper
Our reports offer in-depth explorations of exciting demographic shifts in elected leadership; the persistent imbalances that sustain white male minority rule; and the structural issues shaping a democracy just at the start of its journey towards fairness and full representation.
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