We updated our data to mark our first decade, and we found white men consistently losing power, and women of color persistently gaining.
Pro Publica: How Many of Your State’s Lawmakers Are Women? If You Live in the Southeast, It Could Be Just 1 in 5
Jennifer Berry Hawes explores the severe impact of gender and race imbalances among state lawmakers on the politics of abortion and health care in the United States, citing our latest data findings throughout.
WESH2: AAPI group to host town hall to increase Asian American voter participation
Reporting on get-out-the-vote efforts in Florida’s AAPI community, Marlei Martinez refers to our report on the dramatic underrepresentation of Asian Americans in office.
MSNBC: Stephen Miller is on a crusade to help white men. And it’s working.
Citing our report on white male minority rule, Jesse J. Holland explores the false claims of oppression made by powerful white men.
Salon: American apartheid and the wealth gap: How white supremacy drives inequality
Chauncey Devega probes the inextricable ties between race and wealth in America, citing data from our 2021 report, System Failure: What the 2020 Primaries reveal about our democracy.
The Hill: New study finds white male minority rule dominates US
“Silent majority or loud minority?” asks Anagha Srikanth as she explores our report on how the political system fortifies white male minority rule.
The Guardian: White male minority rule pervades politics across the US, research shows
Alexandra Villarreal discusses our new report, and its implications for US democracy, with Campaign director Brenda Choresi Carter.
NPR: 6 Charts That Dismantle the Trope of Asian Americans as Model Minority
Connie Hanzhang Jin draws on data from our report on AAPI political leadership for a powerful statement on AAPI underrepresentation.
Ms. Magazine: AAPIs Are 6% of population – But 0.9% of Elected Leaders
Cynthia Richie Terrell leads with our report on AAPI representation in her round-up on women’s representation.
HuffPost: Asian Americans Are Severely Underrepresented in US Elected Office
Sarah Ruiz-Grossman explores our findings against the backdrop of a spike in anti-Asian violence, and increased activism by AAPI leaders.
The Crime Report: Asian Americans Left Out of Office, Especially Criminal Justice Sector
The Crime Report staff spotlights our findings on the invisibility of AAPI people in the criminal justice sector.
POLITICO: Asian Americans are the least likely to hold elected office
In a POLITICO exclusive, Rishika Dugyala explores our first-of-its-kind report on AAPI political representation.