Andrea Cipriano discusses the data from our Tipping The Scales report on prosecutors in an article for The Crime Report.
Huffington Post: Elected Prosecutors Are Still Overwhelmingly White And Male
Ryan J. Reilly discusses the Reflective Democracy Campaign’s Tipping the Scales report in an article for the Huffington Post.
Time Magazine: Vote for the Woman Because She’s a Woman
Caitlin Moscatello references our electability myth research at Time Magazine.
Washington Post: Listen to Stacey Abrams
Jennifer Rubin’s opinion piece on the Washington Post references our work on The Electability Myth.
Ms. Magazine: Stop Asking if Women are Electable
Amanda Renteria writes about our research on the Electability Myth for Ms. Magazine.
Vox: Women voters of color are watching how Democrats respond to attacks on “the Squad”
P.R. Lockhart cites our findings about rising election victories by women of color.
Salon: No one knows what “electability” means in 2020 — but it could put a woman in the White House
Shira Tarlo includes our research in her article on electability for Salon.
New Reflective Democracy Report Discredits Electability Myth, Finds White Men Held No Electoral Advantage in 2018
First comprehensive analysis of 2018 elections shows women candidates and elected officials increasing their share of seats over the past several election cycles at the federal, state and county level, while white men are declining across all levels of office.
New York Times: Gender Gap Closes When Everyone’s on the Ballot, Study Shows
Jennifer Steinhauer explores our research on electability in the New York Times.
The Root: No More ‘Great White Hopes’: Study Reports Women and Men of Color Are Just as Electable as White Men
Anne Branigin highlights our research into electability in her article at The Root.
In Chicago (and Elsewhere), Women of Color Prosecutors Confront Entrenched Power
Were you confused by the fallout from Jussie Smollett’s apparent staging of a hate crime against himself? Some people felt let down when — after Chicago’s police chief publicly excoriated the young actor — no charges were filed against him. Was it fair for Smollett to walk away from all that chaos when so many…
Washington Post: Women of color in Congress are challenging perceptions of political leadership
Vanessa Williams speaks to Campaign Directory Brenda Choresi Carter on the progress towards a reflective democracy.